Monday, November 7, 2011

Fences Samuel Jackson as Troy Maxson

I chose Samuel Jackson to play the character of Troy Maxson. . Samuel Jackson would be able to play perfect because when Samuel as Troy talks about his life he would be able to sound very believable. Troy is a fifty-three year old African-American man with big hands. Troy is a character who had through his life a rough situation. It first comes from a father who raped a girl that Troy liked, to leaving his father and working just to survive. Troy while he tries to be different from his father he ends up pushing all of his friends and family away from him. Troy wants freedom more than anyone else and responds badly to those who have freedom like his son Lyon. Troy also talks of death and always said he talk or fought death. Troy defies death .(pg 1112) ‘’I say… What you want , Mr.Death? You be wanting me? You done brought your army to be getting me? I looked him dead in the eye. I wasn’t fearing nothing. I was ready to tangle.’’ .In the end Troy could only bring the family he broke apart together during his funeral.

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